Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Blogging workshop

1. I have used blogs with Futures kids to get them to create a sense of community. We encourage them to push each other's thinking in a safe environment. I also use them in professional situations, such as national conferences.

2. I hope to use blogs in the future to further professional development conversations.

3. I already know blogs can encourage writing in reluctant students.


simon said...

Hi Lauren et al,

For me this will be a case of starting incrementally until I can get my blog feet under me. Encouragement from you has already gone a long way,Lauren. Thanks to you and David.

When's the next session?

LKP said...

11/20, 11/27 are the next dates.

I'm delighted you feel encouraged. You now I'll help in any way I can!

I know that many students are intrinsically motivated to blog, so your Spanish students may feel safer by writing in a blog environment. Remember that once you've gone through this tedium of setting up your site, all your students have to do is post to it! You are paving the way to success.

Pat said...

I feel like I have to use this frequently in the beginning to imprint this in my little non-mechanical brain. It reminds me a bit of portaportal. I used it and used it and referred to it each day for a while and now it becomes part of my nature.