Saturday, November 24, 2007

David, et al. I tried to comment on Simone's blog, but got the message that I can't. I'm not a member, I guess. Maybe in our workshop we can add each other to the groups so we can practice a bit. It also seemed to want a Google email to use the tool. Could that be true?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

RSS feeds?

David, is there a way to use the RSS feed tool with blogger? I'd like to get updated when ever one of our workshop mates posts something new. Of course, I'd have to be listed as an editor or reader to get that notification, I suppose.

Also, I think I just learned that you can't edit a post once it has been posted? I see a typo in my last message and can't see a way to edit it.
Welcome to the tech workshop!

Blogging workshop

1. I have used blogs with Futures kids to get them to create a sense of community. We encourage them to push each other's thinking in a safe environment. I also use them in professional situations, such as national conferences.

2. I hope to use blogs in the future to further professional development conversations.

3. I already know blogs can encourage writing in reluctant students.